About the Project

529 million

Geolocated tweets in our analysis

The Twitter Social Mobility Index, a measure of social distancing and travel derived from public geolocated Twitter data, measures average travel each week. Twitter users can publicly share their location data with a tweet. We then measure how much a user moves around in a given week by computing the variance of their movement from a central location. We aggregate over cities, states and the entire United States.

Understanding the amount of reduction in social contact and travel in different geographic regions can be an important aspect to measuring the effectiveness of social distancing policies. This is especially true as these policies remain in effect for an extended period of time, and the public may begin to relax their implementation.

50 states,
100 cities,
6 regions

3.9 million

Twitter users in our analysis

Social distancing is an important component of the response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Minimizing social interactions and travel reduces the rate at which the infection spreads, and "flattens the curve" such that the medical system can better treat infected individuals.

Other Resources

covid19dataresources.org: COVID-19 related social media and web data resources.
twitterdata.covid19dataresources.org: A COVID-19 related Twitter dataset.

Our Team

We are a team of academic researchers who utilize web and social media data to study public health. We develop novel natural language processing and machine learning models and apply them to social media datasets. You can learn more about our work at:

Mark Dredze

Professor Mark Dredze is the John C Malone Associate Professor of Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University.

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David Broniatowski

Professor David Broniatowski is an Associate Professor of of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering at George Washington University.

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Paiheng Xu

Paiheng Xu is a masters student at Johns Hopkins University.

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Carlos Aguirre

Carlos Aguirre is a PhD student at Johns Hopkins University.

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Elle Park

Elle Park is an undergraduate student at Johns Hopkins University.

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